
Do you love skype as much as I do?  Check out these gems.

Meet Brookston and Everett.
 Love these guys.
 Meet Cosmo.
Meet Baby Jill and Aunt Mimi.
Check out Jill skyping with Hallie and Hanna.

I really really really love my skype.


  1. Jill looks so sweet in that picture, with her hands on her lap and her ankles crossed!

    And Skype is a wonderful invention. And it's free!!

  2. A good friend of mine just left for Costa Rica, and I have been verrrrry tempted to join the world of Skype!

  3. I am sooooooooooo behind on blogs. Nick had to tell me that you had put up pictures of our boys on your blog... I made a quilt in the meantime, does that count? Anyway, I need to get up on my blogs.

    I love seeing you and your girls too, and need to again soon!

  4. Yay! I love skype, too - so glad I can chat with you on it!!

  5. Skype is the best thing! Talking to my family in Mexico for free is priceless! ;)
    These pictures are so sweet! Cousins are the best!

  6. i wanna skype again soon!!! call me!


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