
This giveaway is now CLOSED.

In a week we will find ourselves feasting with family and friends.  We will reflect on and share with each other the good things in life that we are grateful for.  And I think that's great, to give thanks.

My heart lately though has been leaning in a slightly different direction, I've felt an emphasis on a different part of the name of next week's holiday.  My heart is filled with gratitude to people who have reached out in love, sympathy, and support when they see others in need..  Those who have voiced prayers, and kind thoughts and words on our behalf, and on behalf of people seeking comfort everywhere.  The people who have watched children, sent flowers, made meals, and done so much more to try and ease burdens.  And my thankful heart wants to GIVE back to these people, as a small way of saying Thank You.

So today I present you with my ThanksGIVEaway.  You know those big fancy blogs that are sponsored by corporations and have big fancy giveaways with hundreds of people vying for the awesome prize?  I am clearly not one of those blogs, but what I give comes from my heart.  I will be giving away 10 prizes, and since I have only a handful of readers your chance of winning is through the roof.  The deal is as follows: leave a comment, telling me which prize you'd like to win. If you hope to win more than one, please leave it in a separate comment so I can keep myself organized.  Devin with his statistical know how will help me choose random winners (he assures me that pulling a name out of a hat is not statistically random, so trust me when I say that it will be a much more highly sophisticated method than that) and then I will announce who has won what, and you will email me your address so I can mail you your goodies.

The ThanksGIVEaway will open Thursday, November 17 and close on December 1. That's one week before Thanksgiving and one week after.  So check to see if you have won anytime after midnight on December 1.  The prizes I am going to give away are as follows: a tutu from Tangerine Tutus, a hair bow from Tangerine Tutus, a watercolor by Hallie, a watercolor by ME, a set of magnets for holiday use, a set of magnets for seasonal use, a small collection of Mary Kay makeup,  a box of homemade chocolate peanut candies, and a set of magnets for everyday use.
 Strawberry Shortcake Tutu from Tangerine Tutus (available in sizes newborn to 5t)
Black and Pearl Satin Lollipop Flower Hair Accessory from Tangerine Tutus
 YELLOW - a watercolor by Hallie Rose
 GREEN - a watercolor by Hallie Rose
 Strawberry Shortcake - a watercolor by Amy Rose
 set of Three Thanksgiving Magnets
 set of Three Autumn Magnets
Mary Kay I Love Lashes mascara (in black or black brown), lip gloss (beach bronze), a set of four eye shadows (honey spice, sienna, blue metal, vintage gold), and Creamy Frosted Vanilla body mist in a gift bag

set of Four Everyday Magnets (I couldn't take a good picture. Sorry.)

box of homemade chocolate peanut candies (you want them fresh, don't you?)



  1. Amy you are one amazing woman! Seriously we all have so much to be thankful for and I'm thankful for your blog because it helps me realize we are all in the same boat going down the same river called life. I'd love to win some chocolate peanuts or you know whatever prize is left! Such a fun idea! Keep them coming!

  2. I seriously want one of like okay this first comment is for the tutu :) love it

  3. Next, I'd really like the makeup...I really need some new stuff :)

  4. And I'll just pick one more if that's okay b'c I really like to win stuff hahahaha any of the sets of magnets. Go Amy You rock and I am grateful for you! I sure do miss you here and the playdates we had, and my Mary Kay party :)

  5. This is for the Mary kay stuff for me : ).

  6. This is for the hair accessory for my girls.

  7. This is for the box of chocolates for any of us....

  8. And I like the leaf magnets too : ). I hope the holidays can bring you and your family happy, peaceful feelings that will help fill the void that has been left behind. You are certainly on the right track by looking outward and helping others. You are an amazing woman.

  9. I already have the best prize. I have you. And now I also have Devin, Hallie, Hanna, and soon Heather! I am the most blessed of moms. I have a loving family. What more could I want?

  10. I, of course, would like some chocolate!

  11. My choice: The green water color by Hallie. Love, grandpa H.

  12. I would LOVE the tutu, but I don't think my boys would go for it. I need a girl, darn it!!

    So I'd love the magnets! You can never have enough magnets!!

  13. I would LOVE the tutu! :D Even though we don't have any girls yet, I can't helps but stock up (you're so sweet to give during thanksgiving! <3)

  14. You are so sweet for doing this! I love the hair-bow and the magnets! Did you make the magnets? I've wanted to make some but magnets and the satin hair-bows,add them to 'my maybe someday list' (or pinterest)!

  15. Since December 1st is my birthday, I should probably enter this giveaway... :) ...I love Mary Kay. I think G would appreciate me choosing that over the hair bow or tutu. Are you a Mary Kay consultant? This is a long comment for a give away I should stop.

  16. P.S. That candy sounds delicious! Brand would probably love that!

  17. Hey! I hope things are going well for you. I talk to Marcus about your family often. We think of you guys a lot. Sorry for your loss. It makes my heart ache knowing what you guys are going through... PLEASE let us know if there is anything we can do. Even though we are 3 hours away... even prayer requests! We can do that! :)

    I love the Black and Pearl Satin Lollipop Flower Hair Accessory. It is so stinkin cute!

    And of course I love ALL of the watercolors. :)

  18. When do we find out who wins what? Those tutus are SO cute! I also love the hairpins. I would have the watercolors, but we have a whole stack of them made by Emma and I wouldn't want to hurt her feelings. :-)

  19. Magnets would be great! We don't really have any and now I have fridge that they'll actually stick to! Love ya! (And can I just say how ADORABLE those tutus and hair accessories are!) <3

  20. Dibs on the Mary Kay stuff!! ~Crunchers

  21. Your so fun!! I should really do this too but have not updated my blog in a year and doubt any would see if I posted :). This is for the fall magnets, did you make them?

  22. This is for the tutu, I think madalyn would have a blast!

  23. Of course I can't forget the chocolate lol and homemade anything is the best!

  24. Make up. . . I could use some new stuff, who couldn't :)

  25. Everyday magnets ( did you make these). ( I want to put your color but don't want to compete with your sister! Sisters can not be messed with! ;)

  26. I would like to put in for the Tutu!!! That is super cute!!!

  27. I would also like to put in for the hair piece! LOVE IT! You're too cute Amy!

  28. Amy- you are, as always, too sweet! I would love the tutu (for Camille obviously not me :) ).

  29. Amy- You are, as usual, too sweet and fun! I would love that cute tutu!

  30. sorry, I didn't mean to post for the tutu twice... I forgot Jon was still logged in... I hope that doesn't disqualify me... :)

    I also think that hair piece is beautiful! :)

  31. And last, but not least... who could turn down an Amy food treat?! I would love to taste your amazing chocolate creation. :)

  32. As I told you on the phone my first choice was the picture by you. Lol does that make me weird? Haha so yeah... <3 you!

  33. An entry for one Pearl Satin Lollipop Flower Hair Accessory, thanks.

  34. Amy- you are, as always, too sweet! I would love the tutu (for Camille obviously not me :) ).

    1. This ThanksGIVEaway is over, but I will be doing one again in a few weeks, I won't have a tutu this year, but check it out and see if there is something else you would like for Camille!


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