
(Win something on my ThanksGIVEaway.)

I have a degree in elementary education, which is what I had wanted to do my entire life, ever since second grade when I got to write on the classroom chalkboard.  Devin and I got married eleven days after I graduated, and while I did work for one semester, we then moved from Indiana to Iowa to the Netherlands to Illinois and then to Nebraska, during which time I had two babies.

Needless to say, my degree had gotten kind of dusty hanging on the wall.  I mean, you don't really have to teach kids the alphabet or their numbers or colors, they learn those things well enough just from every day life, but Hallie is old enough now that she wants to start writing and reading.  Now there is something I can really sink my teeth into.  I can't express the joy it gives me to go back to drawing those D'Nealian style letters on the chalkboard, learned from hours practicing my Zaner-Bloser handwriting (a course which I aced, naturally).  And that joy is surpassed when I watch her little fingers gripping her pencil making shaky lines in imitation of mine.  While I find it a delight to teach any child to do something new, it is incredible watching your child do something for the first time.

Especially when it spells Daddy.  What do you love to do?


  1. okay, she is so advanced. That's really really good. Are you sure you having been closet teaching her to show off?

  2. zaner bloser... forgot about those days!!! ~Crunchers

  3. Amy, you and I are so blessed to have Hallie in OUR family. Thank you for loving her and teaching her. Your teaching degree will be worthwhile if you only teach Hallie and her little sister, and her Dad and he g. grandpa We all love having you as our teacher. Love, grandpa H.

  4. She is on a roll!

    You need like a chalk board on the wall in the house somewhere!!!


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