Blog Respect

When I first started writing my blog Devin didn't have much respect for it. He was all, "what's a blog?" "why would anyone read it?" "why would anyone write one?"  "that's so weird."  And yet write in it I did, and occasionally read it someone would, and the years have gone by and I'm still here and you're still there and gradually Devin has started lightening up.  "I read your blog today," he'll say at dinner, and have some comment on what I wrote.  That turned into, "You should write a blog post about x topic" he would tell me.

This afternoon we found ourselves with little to do.  So we all dressed up in pink and brown, charged up the camera and took a few family pictures. Because YIKES we hadn't taken one yet with Hanna in it. How terribly sad.

A few minutes ago, in a very authoritative voice he said, "Put both pictures on your blog and have a poll to see which one people like better."  I don't think I'm at the point yet of asking him to be an author on this blog, but if his new attitude of interest persists, you may just find him on here himself one day.

Nah.  That will never happen. But I will allow him to give me ideas every now and then. So, without further ado, which picture do you like better?  If you are not reading this on my actual blog and would like to vote, click here.

 Normal family photo.
Shredded Wheat photo.


  1. I truly like both of them!! Men are so funny, aren't they? Ryan has written a couple posts on our blog, just give Devin some more time...

  2. The first one would be a great photo that you frame and years and years from now you'd admire it still. Hanna is so sweet....Halley too of course. Devin will become a blog believer yet.

    Sandy Whitehead

  3. I really like both pictures. If Hallie and Hanna were smiling in the first one, it probably would have received my vote, but the second one—man!—wins because of how Hanna looks with the shredded wheat in her mouth.

    And, wow! I can't believe how many people have voted on a relatively new post.

    I have some friends whose husbands write on their blogs, and it makes me a little jealous. Well, I just think it's cool. Jeff never will though. He's funny. He goes to my blog and reads other people's comments, but he doesn't read what I write. You think he would be interested in the inner workings of my mind, but he says he doesn't have to read it, because he lives it. Hmm. :) So feel special that he has read your blog more than mine.

    I think it is cool that Devin has gained respect for your blog!

  4. Oh, and I must say, you and Devin have very nice teeth.

  5. I think the second one looks like you and Devin are going to eat the camera and someday your kids are going to think you're totally weird for taking that picture (if Halley doesn't already), so I vote for that one. :)

  6. That shredded wheat looks a lot like rice crispies to me.

  7. Well, the first one is VERY cute! And the second one i really like, but you and dev look like you've got CRAZY eyes!!!! lol It scares me. =)

  8. Oh yeah, and what about your Christmas picture? Is this a post that you wrote a while ago and then saved as a draft? Or do you not consider the Christmas one an official family picture, because it was for Christmas? Because Hanna is in the Christmas picture.

  9. Hanna has the same expression in both with a shredded wheat stuck in her mouth. Expression didn't change. How can she do that? I like both pictures.

  10. That's too funny! I like them both!


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