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It snowed last night.

It was also incredibly windy, Nebraska-style, blowing the snow into huge drifts.

Devin  has meetings that require him to be at church hours before the girls and I do.

He was making tortillas this morning, for our dinner tonight.

I was just getting ready to get into the shower when I heard what I thought was the sound of a hundred Vespas hurtling up and down our street. I paused for a moment and listened closer.  I put it all together. My neighbors and their snow plows.

I was getting out of the shower.  My hair was wrapped up nice and tight in the towel.  Devin yells upstairs to me, "Uh, I have to go out and shovel the driveway, and then I have to finish the tortillas and then I have to shower and get ready so I can leave in an hour."

I quickly got dressed and ran outside to shovel the driveway.  It was imperative that he finish those tortillas.  I got Hallie all bundled up too, so Devin only had to deal with Hanna, simple enough in her high chair with a pancake and some milk.

There were eight inches to a foot of snow burying our driveway.  I got to work with our little blue snow shovel.  The neighbors were still out in full force with their little plows, up and down the street everyone was hard at work.

"The driveways are alive
with the sound of snow plows
amid snow that has come
for a thousand years!!"

This is the little song I sang in my head, to the tune of "The Hills Are Alive" from the Sound of Music.  I smiled.  Hallie tromped through the snow.  Suddenly the sound of snow plows was much louder.  Our neighbor from across the street, the one from this post, had come over and was helping to plow my driveway.  I smiled again, and kept shoveling.  The sound of plows was suddenly louder once more.  The first neighbor had been joined by a second.  I smiled again.  They helped me finish my driveway, then the second neighbor went to go do another driveway (not his own) and the first neighbor went back to doing all the sidewalks on our street.

Good people make me feel like rejoicing. Can I get an Hallelujah?


  1. Ok I get that the neighbors are awesome, and that they also love to play with their toys, but I really related to the Devin must finish those tortilla's! Way to go Amy.

  2. I was wondering why "for a thousand years," and then you said that it was to the tune of a Sound of Music, and then it all made sense.

    Um, your neighbors are amazing. I am really glad you live in such a nice neighborhood.

  3. Oh, and once again, you have proved why Nebraska is awesome.

  4. That is so nice! And, what a nice wife you are! I would not, in a thousand years! go out and shovel snow! :) I love good neighbors!

  5. shovel snow or trotillas for dinner? Good indication of priorities........

  6. I like snow well enough. I really love anything Devin makes in the kitchen!. I like your neighbors too.

  7. That neighbor across the street is some neighbor! Hallelujah!


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