Questions About Blogging

First of all, I have been having a lot of fun writing on Alison's new blog, have you checked it out?  Here is a post about a delicious pumpkin treat we love to eat around this house, and here is the post I wrote today.

And, quick side note about a previous blog post: I went to the Eid al-Adha festival that I mentioned, and I wore the long blue skirt and a white long sleeved sweater.  I am glad that is what I wore, so thanks for your input and suggestions!  There was quite a mix of people there, my friend said there were people there from so many countries around the world.  It was interesting to see, even the very traditional Muslims all had different styles and manners of dressing.  There were a few things in common of course - namely, the covering of their heads (for the women).  It is an interesting experience being completely in the minority, and one that I haven't experienced in a while.  Perhaps not even since living in Brasil have I been so completely in the minority.  I think it is good every now and then to put yourself in that kind of situation.  It reminded me of what it must feel like for someone every time I invite them to come to church with me.

I frequently have people ask me how to make the pumpkin soup that I like to make.  Devin suggested that I do a "tutorial".  If I were to go to the trouble of taking all the pictures and whatnot, would you be interested in having me put it on my blog, or should I just email it to those who have specifically asked me already?

Speaking of blogging, I have a serious question now.  I have seen in the comments section of some blogs that there is a "reply" button, so that other commenters can reply to a specific comment.  My blog does not have this option, but I would really, really, really like it to.  Does anyone know how to turn on that feature on a blog?

ALSO, speaking of comments on blogs, I would like to apologize to Andrea, the one who would like to win the tutu for Camille, in the ThanksGIVEaway.  That was last year's ThanksGIVEaway, I haven't posted this year's yet.  I'm sorry for the confusion, and I hope there is something this year that you'd like to try and win for Camille.  Are you out there, Andrea?

Ok, here's another one about blogging.  Sometimes I am invited to participate in a "Blog Hop".  What is this, and how does it work, and, at the risk of being repetitive, what is it?  Usually when I am invited it is a book blog hop... and I love books, so I wish I knew what was going on, because I might be interested!

OK, well, I think those are all the pressing blog issues I had.  Thanks!


  1. As for your comment question, it's called threaded commenting. Here's what Blogger help had to say about it:

    "Enabling threaded commenting

    If you have commenting enabled on your blog, then threaded commenting will work provided you have your blog feed set to "Full," and have chosen the “Embedded" option as opposed to “Full page” or “Popup window.” To change your commenting settings, just go to the Comments section under Settings | Posts and comments. The setting to change your blog feed can be found under Settings | Other."

    Hope that helps. A recipe or tutorial, either way, I'm a fan of pumpkin and would love this recipe. :)

    1. I did it! Thank you so much, Celeste! Now, does this alert you that I have replied to you, or do you have to manually come back and look to see that I have replied?

    2. I had to come back and check. :)

  2. For the tutorial - I say post it on the blog. Then when people ask you all you have to do is send them the link.
    Even though I have been blogging for 6 years, I have no idea what a Blog Hop is. Probably one where you link from one blog to another. So people hop from one blog post about some subject (ie Christmas Craft, Thanksgiving Recipe, Fitness tip...). Just a guess.

    1. So your theory about the blog hop is a good theory, what I don't really understand after that is that she has "giveaway" blog hops... so do you hop from blog to blog entering at each one in the giveaway? So if I were to join this giveaway, I would have people coming to my blog from all of the other blogs involved, and then I would have to select someone and send them a book? And I may or may not win a book myself, from one of the other blogs? Does that sound like it might be right?

      I'm loving this "reply" function I now have!

  3. That is a pretty neat feature.

    I say post the recipe. I see no reason why it wouldn't be a fabulous idea to have it on here.

    I am glad you enjoyed the celebration. And you really don't feel like a minority very often? Do you attribute that to being so used to being a Mormon that it doesn't stick out as much? Or is it because most of the people you know are from Church, so you aren't really a minority? I definitely felt like a minority at the bus stations recently. I think it is good to feel like a minority sometimes.

    And I don't think I understand why you are posting on Al's blog. Does she have other guest authors, too? I may need to look at her blog and see why. I read your first post where you introduced that you were going to blog there, but I don't understand what the blog is. And what happened to the martycrocker blog? Does she just have two now? Who is Alex?

    1. My friend Alison and her friend Alex started a blog to discuss their weight loss struggles and other things that deal with body image. I just wanted in on the action, so they said I could write on their blog sometimes. You should check it out!

  4. Post the recipe. I want it too. And I'm glad you figured out the reply.

    And thanks for blogging on our blog. Love it!

    1. But, so should I post the recipe or go to all the trouble of doing the tutorial? That's my real question...

    2. oh, i mean...tutorial it UP!! why not, right?


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