
This is what we looked like one morning when Devin came back from his run:

We had all climbed into bed together for a snuggle because it was the most exhausting week for all of us.  I believe we are "watching" Curious George.

Hallie wears my boots a lot.

You find a lot of interesting things when you spend hours every day looking at other people's homes.  This was one of our favorites.  Devin said, well, until we get it finished all we really need is a box of wipes, right?  Please note that it leads straight into the laundry room too. Zero Privacy, but I'm guessing the no sink is a bigger deal.  Because there is a separate door to go into the "laundry room".


  1. hahaha. love the toilet location! I guess if you have wipes, they can dual purpose and wipe your bum and clean your hands . . . Hopefully not the same wipe!!! :)

    You look so cute!!! (Well you all do.) But I love pregnant pictures of you, and you do not have enough! :)

  2. love the pic of you all. Is that Kitty your mom is holding? That is pretty much the best present i could have ever given Hals.

  3. Amy, I love your picture, too! I think it makes you look SO young - and I hope you take that as a compliment. I really think you look adorable.
    And that toilet... yeah...
    That's awkward.


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