The Death of English

Reading Beowulf My sister recently shared with me an article that I found to be both humorous, disturbing, and sort of sad. Until I thought about it. I'm still thinking about it. So I have decided to take a close look at the journey that the English language has taken. I have chosen excerpts from what are generally considered to be classics in our language. I start off with the poem of Beowulf, simply because it is the earliest writing in our language of which I am aware. (See how I avoided ending my sentence with a preposition?) Chaucer is considered to be the father of English literature, and Shakespeare is known as England's national poet. Jane Austen I selected simply for being my personal favorite, and Stephanie Meyer I think was an obvious choice with which to end my review. (See how careful I am being?) I wonder what Stephanie Meyer will be hailed as, a hundred years from now? From the first line of the poem Beowulf (3rd o...