
Ah, there's just something so thrilling and exciting about knowing that Spring is coming.  Not just coming, but nearly here!  I get an itch somewhere deep inside to rearrange my furniture, and sweep away cobwebs, and sort through the deepest back corners of closets, and organize my sewing room.

Crazy things like that make me happy on days that feel like spring is coming.  And I make lists in my head, lists of the vegetables I want to grow in the garden, lists of the furniture I would buy if I had the funds, lists of the sewing projects and art projects and craft projects that I want to make, constantly shifting which project is at the top of the list, most of them already in various stages of completion. 

And most of all, a list of the things I'd like to accomplish this year that I turn thirty.  Thirty.

It's coming for me, as surely as summer follows spring.  Sometime in the year that celebrates my thirtieth year on this beautifully blue and green planet I would like to do the following:

1. Improve on the piano.  (Play "Sweet Hour of Prayer" fluently, and perhaps if there is time, memorized.)
2. Get back in shape. (Do p90x.  Run in a race, distance between 5k to half marathon?)
3. Apply to UNL as transfer student to finish Spanish degree. (For you, Dad.)
4. Consider studying for GRE to apply to get a master's degree in - children's literature? (discuss with Devin, pray, ponder, make a decision)
5. Learn how to make red velvet cake. (Bake one, and eat it)
6. Finish Hallie's quilt. (On her bed by the start of kindergarten)
7. Keep grass in the yard alive.  (Do whatever it takes to keep the grass a shade of green until at least September.)
8. Learn how to make pretzels. (Make Devin teach me.)
9. Refamiliarize myself with both Spanish and Portuguese.  (To confidence in speaking them again)

10. baby? one? last? baby?

Ok, all in all, a doable list, I think.  Except #10, because I am only one third of that decision making process.



  1. I refuse to believe you are turning thirty.
    But I love your goals!

  2. Thirty is coming for me too! Except not til next year. But I see that train and I know. I know!! I only have one thing on my list do do in the next 14 months. :)

  3. I loved your goals; and I did smile really big on the Spanish degree :)

  4. I love spring!

    You look SO gorgeous in that picture.

    Yay for thirty!!!! :) You have a fabulous to-do list. I love number 10 . . . ;) I was thinking the other day about how crazy it is that I am only one child away from my childhood goal of four. When did that happen? Oh yeah. I know exactly when. ;)

    And a master's in children's literature would be SO COOL! Jealous. You have to take advantage (some day at least) of the discount from having Devin being a professor.

  5. Oh, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new blog look.

  6. I made a 30 before 30 list about 6 months ago. I could only come up with about 24 things, but now I can add a few as I get closer and closer to 30 too. Best of luck on your goals.



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