
Sometime about 5 and a half years ago my brother gave me a sort of box kit to make silly sock creatures.  I never made one, even though the kit came with all of the materials necessary to do so because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to follow the directions right and mess the whole thing up.

Alas, the other day I was cleaning out my sewing room and Hallie found the box and began poring over the pictures of the various creatures you could make.  And then she began begging, and begging, and pleading and pleading for me to make one for her.

I didn't last long before I was sitting on the couch next to her with scissors and a needle and thread, and a poor pair of socks that was about to be terribly, terribly mutilated, sewn back together, and then stuffed.

And then the silly thing grew and grew on me even in his terrible imperfectness, because I really had no idea what I was doing, and I made one for Hanna. And then I made one for Heather. Turns out you can make these really, really fast.

 Hallie's creature, my first attempt.  I didn't understand how to make lips yet. 
This pair of socks came with the kit.
 Hanna's creature, second attempt.  Still working on figuring out the lips.  
This pair of socks also came with the kit.
 Heather's creature.  My mom gave me these socks ages and ages and ages ago. 
Thanks mom.

If you'd like a creature, just mail me a pair of socks and some chocolate. Or oreos.   I'm serious.


  1. That's awesome. They remind me of Ugly Dolls.

  2. Oh my goodness! I just WANT ONE!! The second one with sad lips makes me laugh every time I look at the pic! Hahah!

  3. LOVE those. Jill and Danny were quite impressed as well. I wonder where the post office here is?


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