Close Ups

When my babies go for their close ups, they want it to be close.up.

 I mean, how about that milk 'stache, eh?


  1. tee hee looks like Hallie is teaching Hanna how to do it. :) Love, love, LOVE those girls!!

  2. Annibelle is the same way; the only way I can get a good picture of her these days is if she doesn't know I'm taking it. Haha! Ah, little ones. They sure are silly! BTW, I actually love the pic of Hallie; she sure is stunning! (hanna's just adorable too!)

  3. Where did your blood post go? Is it saved to be published a different day?

    I keep wondering when Jill will discover she can write on walls. For whatever reason, she has not tried it yet.

  4. two cuties in one wonderful family! Who could predict such blessings!

  5. I love the close up of Hallie. She is beautiful!

  6. haha Liam is always trying to eat the camera or phone or... just about everything I'm holding! The stache is grrrreat!

  7. I can't take photos of my boys unless I sneak up on them these days. They're so interested in looking in the viewfinder that they can't be bothered with posing.

  8. So so cute! Love the sweetness in their eyes!


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