Blood and What I've Learned

This is where Hallie drew on the wall with a ball point pen:

 This is where Hallie drew on the wall with a crayon:

 This is where Hanna drew on the wall with a dry erase marker:

This is the wall where I first noticed the blood:

 And this is the floor where there was more blood:

And somehow she got more blood all over the fireplace:

And blood all over the bench:
What's that you say? There's no blood in these pictures? Oh, you are so clever.

When Hallie drew on the wall with the ink pen, I thought I should really call my mother and ask her how to get it out. When Hallie drew on the wall with crayon I thought again that I should talk with my mother.  When Hanna drew with the dry erase marker I shrugged my shoulders and added it to my list.  But when I saw the blood**, I leaped for the phone, and called my mother.  "MOM! How do you get blood stains off of a wall?"

And, trusting that the people who read my blog have no intent to ever do bodily harm to another being and will not use the following knowledge to clean up their mess, I will tell you what I have learned, about children, the universe, and myself.

1. That little fingers with small injuries can bleed a lot.
2. That while she got blood all over four different types of surfaces, she somehow managed to avoid getting any on the carpet, even though she went halfway up the carpeted stairs, and all the way across a carpeted room - bleeding the entire time.  I believe in miracles.
3. That cleaning my walls is only a priority if the mess involves blood.
4. That Hallie is always one toddler-proofing step ahead of me in height and cleverness.
4. That if the blood is fresh, it is no sweat to clean it up. Just a little hydrogen peroxide, one paper towel, and you are good to go.
5. That it is impossible to keep a bandaid on a toddler.  I put one around her little cut, another on top of that, and then a third around her two fingers.  She sucked them all off.  At least by then the bleeding had stopped.
6. That moms are the best creatures ever.  And by that I mean my mom, not myself.  Although it occurs to me now that I will someday be "that mom" for my daughters.  I better study up.

**First of course I checked to see where all the blood was coming from. When I discovered nothing but a tiny cut on her index finger, I washed it off, cleaned it up, put the aforementioned trio of bandaids on and THEN called my mother.


  1. I'm glad you cleared that last part up. I was just wondering where your priorities were. Good thing I don't have to make that call to Health and Human Services! :)

  2. Band-aids are difficult. And annoying.

    I keep wondering when Jill will realize that her crayons will work on the walls. I am glad it hasn't happened yet.

    I'm glad the blood wasn't too hard to get off.

    Love you!!

  3. I love being your mom. You are the wisest most wonderful mom for your daughters! Moms grow with their children. I learned 'everything I needed to know about life in Kindergarten' ... and then got the advanced degree when I became a mom. Being a grandmother is like spring break and summer vacation rolled together into one! ... with a little bit of summer reading thrown in (grandmothers - contrary to popular opinion don't know everything)


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