
Let me explain.  I have so many pictures that I wish I could post on my blog, but a. I can't find the charger for the camera battery, and the battery is dead, so I can't get pictures off of it until I do, and b. my sister's camera has all the other pictures and she hasn't sent them to me yet because I keep forgetting to ask her to.

So, you don't get to see those pictures (yet).  BUT since I have been wanting to write about SOMETHING and put pictures of SOMETHING up, here is what you get to see.

Me, thinking about furniture.  See, this is what our room looks like now:

ha ha ha I am so impressed with myself, I took that with our computer camera.  Go me!  Ok, so that's what it looks like. You can see a corner of the couch that I inherited from Stacy (thank you thank you thank you) and then nothing.  We have nothing.  There are rooms in this house that are essentially empty.  Like, a bookshelf and nothing else.  Wow.

So, today I was talking to a friend of mine who is fabulous design lady person, and we were talking about my style and what to put in this room furniture wise, someday.  (We are not going to be buying fancy, expensive furniture soon: if ever, really... but someday I would like to have more than just this couch.)

I should have gone to bed after talking to her, but I felt energized and wanted to go "shopping".  First, I was worried about what she would think about the choices I had selected.  What would it say about me, if I chose this chair, or that chair?  And then I realized that it's my house, and I should pick what I like to have in it, makes sense right?  Then I worried because I don't really know yet what purpose this room will serve, should it be comfy, or formal, or should I try to have some sort of mix?

Then I decided that I would just pick out what I like best and let my friends who are well experienced in designing (you know who you are) tell me what they think, and all of my other friends who just have fabulous taste (which is all of you) tell me what YOU think, and then your feedback will help me decide my style.  So, please, the fate of my home rests in your capable hands.

Here are a few of the chairs that I liked, obviously they would not go in this room in the colors represented by these pictures:

That second chair? It's called the "Amy".  But really, I liked it before I knew that.  So these chairs are all from Broyhill.

Alright, now it's your turn.  Feedback people.  What are your thoughts?  And keep in mind, that by the time I get a chair that shelf thing with the toys on it will probably be long gone, if that affects your comments.


  1. I like the last one; it's always great when you can fit two people snuggly on one 'chair', like on our cuddler. I also liked the black one, not that you would get it in that color. It looked comfortable. Just think about the comfort, then about the kids and just what they might do to that furniture. Anyway, I wish I could be there to shop with you in person!

  2. You want my honest opinion? I like furniture. So, now you know! Really though, we always regret the furniture we buy awhile after we've bought it, even the furniture that seemed perfect at the time. So be prepared for buyers remorse. And be happy with whatever you choose! (I am sure you will - that's more advice for me than you)

  3. Ooo! I love the first one and the orange one (the style...the color would depend on the room). It's so fun to decorate a house!! I'm getting so anxious to move and start planing...but we have no furniture either. Nearly all of what we own is either from Craigslist or hand me downs!

  4. Ok I like a few of them. First I like the striped chair at the top and I also like the one that looks like a corner chair at the bottom. The two seater could also be fun. Anyway those are my suggestions. And my I also say that I love that green wall color.

  5. I really like the 'Amy' chair. I think it would work well with your lovely green walls, and your curtains. I like chairs that don't go all the way to the ground, because they make the space look more airy. Plus the pattern is sort of fun and wimsical, yet elegant-- like you. :)

  6. i have decided to rate them from favorite to least favorite.
    middle one-favorite!
    last one
    first one
    2nd one
    4th one
    I like them all though. and i would definitely change the color/fabric on some of them (which you already talked about). have fun shopping. I love to "window shop." there is no buyers remorse for

  7. I do like the swivel feature of the middle chair. I like the style of the first one a lot, too. The second chair seems to already match the decor of that room. :)

    My personal opinion is to wait until you buy new, or at least wait until you buy expensive. Then you don't have to get too mad at Hallie when she dumps her milk on it or Hanna when she poops on it. :)

  8. Amy, I love the shade of green your walls are in your room and those curtains look elegant. My pick is the 3rd chair. It looks so comfortable...calling out to you "come and sit in me and read a good book" or something like that. But I do agree that the last one has more room for two people...but you do have a couch too.

  9. You know me, and know that I could give you a disertation about each option that you posted, but I won't... sufice it to say that I like the second one the best and think that you would be happiest in the long run with that particular one...


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