We Are Moving.

Yes, it's happening.  It's official.  It's final.  Devin starts work sometime in the middle of March at the University of Nebraska.  They will pay to have us come out and look for a house, we get five days to do so.  We just realized that if Devin wants me to come with him, it had either be right away (I am not looking for a house with a toddler any closer to my due date than the next few weeks will afford), or it will have to be in, say, February, at which time we'll have to look for a house with a newborn and a toddler.  Not to mention the 8 hour drive with toddler and newborn.  Yippee!  So what this means is that I am getting a little stressed.  It'll be fine.  More updates later.


  1. Yay for having your decision made!! :) And everything will work out. :)

  2. ditto to what Mimi says. I'm so happy for you!!!

  3. Congrats. We are so happy for you guys. Devin will be a great professor.

  4. When I come visit...which i will. (you know me) can i sit in on one of devin's classes? i mean i am sure i wont understand much more than the roll call, but it could be fun, right? AND...do i get my own room in your new house?? i really neeeeeeed one. like i neeeeeeeeeeeed it!

  5. Wow! Congrats. So that means that you will be a little closer to us! Well...still pretty far. But closer! You should come to Disneyland next year and stay with us. =)

  6. stressed? seriously.
    At least you'll have excellent stories to tell to future generations. 'Remember that one time when i was ridiculously pregnant and we...' always makes a good story. It will motivate future Rose women for years to come. And then when one of my little empeys' is dragging one of your little roses around the country when she's totally pregnant she'll say "I can do this, because my mom did this."

    congratulations on a decision!

  7. lol... Whoever that Nicole ^ is, she's funny haha. Congratulations! That's so exciting! I'm sure everything will work out just fine, even if you're WAY prego. And that's so cool that they're helping you move. What a blessing!


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