Computers and Trash and Pictures and Me

Let's just make this clear once and for all:

I do not understand computers.

I was working on another project for Hallie, not because I don't trust that her teacher is going to give her a good education or anything but because... well, it's what I do, alright?  We all have our hobbies, mine is making worksheets.

So there I was, copying and pasting images to corresponding letters and when I was done I had some extra files to send to the old trash pile.

I was just about to delete everything in the trash pile, when suddenly I thought to myself, "Self, why don't you check what is in your trash before you empty it?"

Which I never do. My philosophy in life is, if it is in the trash, it's trash, and why bother check it every time?

But I gave in to the little whisper in my head and took a peek at the trash.  First thing I saw was a folder called "Amy's Shower Plus".

I've never seen this folder before.  Naturally, I opened it. 

Now this is where, if any of you do understand computers, could help me figure out how this happened.

I will list the strangeness in bulletin form so you can digest it more slowly and perhaps come to a possible conclusion for how this happened.

The pictures were from back... I mean, it's possible Devin and I weren't even married yet.  In fact, I think probably we weren't.  Thus, seven plus years ago.

They were not taken on my camera, because I don't take pictures as a general rule, and if I do then it is other people in them, not me.

This computer is new, and I would have remembered putting these pictures onto my computer somehow, and I didn't.

And if I did put them on my computer somehow, I would certainly not have put them in the trash folder.

I ask you. Where did they come from?  How did they get here? Why are they in the trash?

And now, please, to enjoy this random snippet of my life from seven years ago.

Actually, there are too many.  If anyone can figure out how this happened, I will upload the very most priceless of this find.


  1. I have no idea. Have you asked Devin? Maybe he was trying to be sneaky. How awesome to have some pictures show up though! You have so few from that time period.

    1. I just asked him, and he has no idea either. One more reason I know we didn't take these pictures, there are some in the folder of places we've never been to, like temples we've never been to... curiouser and curiouser.

  2. Maybe when you transferred files from your old computer to the new you had two of those folders and the computer deleted it for you??? Just a guess.

    1. I was never able to transfer any files from the old computer to this one. And the old computer wasn't even old enough to have had these pictures anyway... Mysteriouser and mysteriouser.

  3. My philosophy about the strangeness of computers is "When in doubt, blame Peter." It usually works for me.

  4. Maybe there was someone at your house recently who was putting pictures on there for something?


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