This Is My Family

I can't make decisions.  So, tell me what pictures to print and put on my wall.  Thanks.

Also, if you are a parent, grandparent, or great grandparent reading this, and you would like me to print a copy of one (or more) (or all) of these pictures for you, please email me and let me know which ones.  Thanks.

If you aren't reading this on my actual blog, click here to vote in the poll.

Picture #1
Picture #2
Picture #3

Picture #1
Picture #2

Picture #3

Picture #1
Picture #2

Picture #4

Picture #3

Picture #1
Picture #2

Picture #3
Picture #4
Picture #5

Picture #6

Picture #7

Picture #8
Picture #9


  1. I love them all. But I picked and voted. :)

  2. Oh and I didn't vote for the first family one of just you and D bc I didn't know if you would only pic one from each category and you have to have the girls in a "family pic" but then I realized after that you would probably print more than one from each otherwise why would it even be in the running? Anyways...I think that pic should have its own separate category and should get printed either way (even though I stupidly didn't vote for it) bc it really is a fantastic pic of you two. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand...I'm done rambling. Done. Haha

  3. 1 or 3 on Hallie, 3 on Hanna, and definitely 4 on Heather. 5 or 8 in family.

  4. Hallie: #3, Hanna: #2, Heather: #2 or #3, Family: #1,5,6

  5. Hal=3
    Hea=3 (or cutie, is that an option?)


  6. Your poll may be a little inaccurate, because (at least on my computer), the picture entitled Heather #4 shows up in front of Heather #3. So people might just vote for them in the order they saw them in instead of by the little title under the picture.

    That's the only reason I can think of for the majority not agreeing with me every time. On all the other ones, the majority seems to have recognized my superior opinion. :)

    And, this goes without saying, but any of them would be fabulous.

  7. Dear Heather Rose,

    You are a very cute girl! Your sisters are also cute, but this letter is for you. I want to know if you would like to marry me. I know you are about a year older than I am, but my mom is about a year older than my dad and it works for them. I promise to take you to the temple and treat you like the queen you are.

    Oliver Lund (coming to earth in a few weeks)

  8. I can't decide. I want them all. You will have to choose, I can't. Too much cuteness. That's all.

  9. Sad, I missed the poll. I seriously haven't been checking up on blogs or updating mine in weeks. You have some really great pictures of your family! You should probably post a picture of what you decided when they are on the wall!


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