Quiet Book

Dear Momma -

I thought maybe you'd want to see how the quiet book you gave me to make for Heather turned out. I was really happy with it, and the girls (even Hallie and Hanna) love it!

 These pretty little flowers can be buttoned and unbuttoned, obviously great for small motor skills. I added the little flower pot at the bottom because I thought it looked strange without one.

 This is easily the favorite page.  The little doggie has a leash from his collar that allows him to come out of the dog house and go on short walks.  He is so loved that he has already been freed from his leash, but after a stern talking to, and being re-attached to his dog house, he is now ready to play again.  As long as he doesn't go too far.
 This momma bird is sitting on some eggs.  Pull away her nest and count how many she has!
 This one was the trickiest to make, and even now I am not at all sure that I followed the instructions correctly, but they didn't make any sense to me, so finally I just did what I thought did make sense, and it works. So! Learn to tie your shoes, here.
 This one was fun, unzip the corn husk and zip it up again!  Zip zip!
 And, last but not least, PEEK A BOO.

It was a lot of fun making this, so again, thanks mom!


  1. I love it!!! No but really. I do. Would that be totally weird if i made one even though I don't have any kids?

    Yeah probably :(

  2. I remember having one of those when I was a kid. We only got to play with it during Sacrament meeting.

  3. I am looking forward to making the one Mom sent me. Some day soon . . . perhaps months from now . . . when I'm no longer overwhelmed. :)

    1. Is yours the same as the one she sent me, or does it have different pages?


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