Hallie Cleans Up

Well, a few posts ago you saw pictures of Hallie pretending to clean the top of a wheat container. She has a little sponge that she likes to wipe things down with. Actually, she'll "clean" with any cloth or sponge like object, it's funny. We were at the doctor's office for an appointment and while waiting for the doctor to come in she took one of her diaper wipes and wiped down his stool, and the bench, and everything she could reach in his office. He seemed to appreciate it when we told him about it. Here she is helping Daddy clean the bathroom on Saturday morning.

That's the most exciting thing that's happened around here in a while. She is actually starting to be able to help out! She helps us when we bake bread or cookies. (She helps measure the flour and pour it in the bowl). She helps put away her toys sometimes... she's almost a big girl now!

But really the most exciting thing that has happened is Devin's mom came to visit. That was nice to have her here, but she has all the pictures and hasn't sent them to me yet so I'll talk about that when she does.


  1. get excited for me to come. i will spice up your life!

  2. Oooh, Mama Rose has the pictures. Okay. I'll be patient.

    Her outfit is soooo cute!

    And it's so cute how she wants to help. Again, I reiterate, you and Devin are great examples to her!


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