Grandma Boling

As you may or may not know, I have really cool grandparents. This post will feature my dad's mom. Her name is Marcia, and she's a seasoned traveler. Half the places she goes to visit I've never heard of, and the other half I worry aren't safe for her. She always comes back with neat pictures and stories, and little gifts for us (maybe not always little gifts, but we love it when she does!) She's not afraid to experience all of the experiences either. You know, riding the camel in Egypt, etc. Here are pictures from her latest trip.
I might add that she is boldly doing something that I will never be brave enough to attempt. Ok ok, never say never. She is doing something I pray that I will never be faced with the opportunity of doing. How's that?

You Go Grandma!


  1. oh my goodness. your grandma is awesome! Trevor would love these pictures. you know how he is about your grandma!

  2. Hey zip lining is way fun. :)

    I think you should add in your post that Grandma is 89 years old and has been to over 120 countries.


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