Dancing Queen

Hallie loves to sing, and she loves to dance. Sometimes she dances to her own "songs". It's highly amusing. I have been trying to catch her dancing to record it for posterity, but it's not easy, since she stops as soon as she sees the camera so she can pose for me. This is thoughtful of her, but makes my job of recording her dance quite tricky. Well, I finally got it, but it is taken from behind, so she wouldn't see the camera.

This video is an example of one of my attempts. I really put it on here because Mimi bought her that cute little dress, and I wanted her to see how adorable Hallie looks in it. She's pretty much grown out of it, but you can still see the cuteness!

I apologize for the mixer being on, so you can't hear the music that she's dancing to. She is dancing to music though, and not the mixer.

She's got moves you've never seen!


  1. How cute. I love the little kid dance. I am trying to get Chloe to dance like me but she usually ends up copying Elmo monster or Zoe monster... Shake ah Shake ah FREEZE! (From Zoe Dance Lesson w/ Paula Abdul.)

  2. Awww she looks so cute in the dress! Thanks, Ames. :) She definitely has great moves, definitely a Boling girl. That's cute how you have to tape her from behind. :) I really like your background, too!

  3. The way she moves her hips the dance could be called the "Kitchen Aid Beater" so the background mixer 'music' is just right!

  4. Aww, she is way cute, Amy! Can't wait to see you all again. She and Brennan can dance around together!


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