Happy Birthday, Hallie!

Well, Hallie and I are still really sick, so no pictures. But here is a little poem I wrote last week, when I was trying to fall asleep one night.

Disclaimer: I realize I am not a poet. So, any criticisms you might have I have certainly already said to myself. So don't worry about that. But this is for my baby.

I saw you
through the haze of pain
you were so fresh, so pink, so new.

I held you to me
rejoicing in your infant softness

and I knew
that you were worth
every drop
of blood and sweat
that I had given
and will give

you have
perfect nose
perfect mouth
perfect tummy

perfect eyes
perfect ears
perfect arms
perfect legs

and the cutest little hands and feet

and I know
that you are worth
every moment of sleep
that I have lost
and will lose.

I see you
through the glitter of joy
you are so fresh, so pink, so new

I hold you to me
rejoicing in your baby sweetness.

Blow out your big candle
Mommy loves you, little girl.


  1. awww your poem made me cry. I like it lots. And I meant to call yesterday to wish her a happy birthday, but I forgot to call. Remembered the birthday though. Sigh. Is she still really sick? I'm sick now. :( Bleah.

  2. Hi Amy! I love your poem. She will treasure that gift for her first birthday when she gets older. You are an awesome mommy!!!!!


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