Hallie Steps Out

She's been avoiding the subject for as long as she thought she could.

Three days ago, Jan. 13, 2009

Three days ago, Jan. 13, 2009

Then, yesterday, she had a change of heart.

(She put that headband on herself.)
Yesterday, Jan. 15, 2009

Again, as if to prove that I am still not smart about technology, I did it sideways. Can you believe it? Who needed proof? So, sorry it's sideways. She took about five additional steps throughout the day yesterday. So, she's not "walking" yet, but she's definitely stepping out!


  1. Well, she is taking after her dad--he took some extra time to walk also. However, since she takes after him in many other ways, what's to complain about?
    love, mom rose

  2. The headband is awesome, by the way!

  3. So, Dad said my first comment is totally out of line........sorry! It wasn't meant to offend.

  4. awww so impressive! Hallie is so big and strong! :)


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