The Right Thing

I generally shy away from publicly stating my political beliefs. I am pretty open about my religious beliefs, but for some reason I don't like to participate in conversations about politics on open internet forums. But I can't stop thinking about some recent events, and I don't know, maybe you have too? I don't claim to have the right answer, or to know exactly what we should do, but I need to process my thoughts and there's nothing quite like writing for sorting out what you are thinking. First of all, perhaps you've heard what happened in Beirut, and what Adel Termos did? Another article reporting the story, here . I read about Adel and his sacrifice and I feel good inside, about the decency, the absolute heroism left in some of humanity. But then, I turn around and I see news reports of states here in the U.S. making the decisions about opening their borders or not, governors taking one position or another about harboring refugees. I read through...