The Great Cat Rescue

This morning I had energy.  As a totally foreign concept, this energy thing felt pretty good in my body.  A while ago we got a jogging stroller from a friend who is moving.  It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.  I got all sneaker-ed up, and Hallie got her running stuff on as well, and I strapped Hanna and Heather down tight.  We were off!

The front tire was completely flat.  Undaunted, I transitioned to the double walking stroller.  We could still go out on a walk, right?

Right.  Off we go!  Hallie shot off, running ahead of me.  The sun is hot, and the moon is still hanging around too.  Hallie and Hanna yell at it to go to bed, silly moon!

We walked to the park down the street.  I sat down on the bench with Heather and watch Hallie and Hanna run and jump and play.  In the distance I thought I heard the faint meowing of a cat.  I looked around, but didn't see anything.

Then, out of nowhere, this sleek young kitten came trotting into view.  It was obviously well cared for and had a nice tag dangling from the collar around its neck.  Hi kitty kitty kitty! I said.  It glanced at me disdainfully, then, meowing all the while, it jogged over to the playground.  It went up the stairs, down the slides, climbed up to all the highest heights.

The girls were, as you may imagine, enthralled.  "Mommy! There's a kitty at the park!"  "Mommy, that kitty is looking for its owner!"  "Mommy! That kitty wants to play with us!"  "Mommy! What should we do with this kitty?"  "Mommy, this kitty is getting hungry!"

The kitty hung around with us for ten or so minutes, meowing all the while.  It was quiet during the time it went potty over by the swings, in the sandbox... but that was the only time it was silent.

Just as suddenly as it came, it streaked off for the house on the corner by the playground.  It curled up in a ball on the mat and looked like it fell asleep, although I knew it was still awake for I could still hear its pitiful chattering meow.

Then across the grassy field separating my bench from the doorstep where the cat was lounging I heard a new voice.  Human.  Female. "Hello kitty! Where do you belong?  Oh no, this isn't your house, you can't come in here!" 

I turned around on my bench to see what was happening.  The cat had certainly looked at home on that doormat, so I had assumed it was.  A woman comes slowly walking out of the house, aided by a cane.  She saw me looking at her, so I shout across the way, "So I guess that isn't your cat then?" 

She told me it was not her cat, but that if I would help her get the cat we could look at the tag and try to figure out who it belonged to.  I ran over (running being the purpose of my entire outing this morning!)  and together we cornered the very friendly, well tempered cat.  I read the phone number to her while she dialed it.

Then some other things happened all of which culminated in this lady walking down the road, helping Hallie push the stroller, while Hanna ran on ahead and I carried the cat.  We returned it to its home.  My girls were delighted to be heroes.  I think the woman was delighted too.

I could hear her, back by Hallie.  "How old are you? Oh, that's just how old my granddaughter is.  She's going to preschool this year. Are you going to preschool? Oh, I wish my family lived closer so she could be your friend.  What a nice family you have! Your mother is just so sweet to be helping like this.  What a nice family you have."

And then, later to me, after we had returned the cat and walked back to the park/her house.  "Well you sure are a sweet little family.  Seeing you today has just really brightened my day.  People like you just give me hope.  You just have such a nice family.  I wish my family lived closer."

We said goodbye.  The whole walk home I kept thinking, "Well lady, I wish my family lived closer too."

And now my goal for the day is to make a plate of cookies and walk back down to the park and give them to this nice lady.  For entirely selfish reasons, I assure you.


  1. I will happily share my grandkids with her. Kids can't get too many people who care about them and let them return the care. Win-win.
    Love Mom

  2. Honestly there are one or two couples in our ward who are like adopted grandparents, and we have grandparents here! Kids really can't have too many. I hope it works out taking cookies to the nice lady. :) Yay for a cat bringing you together!

  3. Looks like you have a new adopted grandma! May come in handy if you need a potty break at the park someday!

    Love, MOMROSE

  4. Stuff like that makes you feel good. I hope when I'm an old lady I make people feel good too.


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