Hold Them Closer

It is strange for me to sit down with a blank screen and the intent to write and have no words come.  Especially when last night I could not fall asleep for all the words crowding my head.  Especially when words are what I use to understand myself and what I am feeling.

I guess all I really want to ask is that you do two things for me today.  Pray for my family, especially my brother, Dan and his wife, Rachel, and to hold your babies close.  Hold your loved ones tight for as long as they will let you.

(I am sorry I cannot explain, to understand what I am talking about please see my sister's beautiful post here.)


  1. Oh Amy, I am so sorry to hear about your families loss! That has got to be so hard. Hearing stories like that makes you hold your little ones a lot closer. I will definatley be holding mine closer today. Our family will be praying for your brother and his family.

    On a happier note, I love the matching cheerios shirts. And all the blonde hair! They must be cousins! :)

  2. I love you, Ames. And I love us, our family.

  3. Amy, there are no words...I love you and your family and will certainly pray for all of you. My heart aches for everyone.

  4. How hard. You and your family are in my thoughts as you struggle to deal with the grief and pain.

  5. Some how I missed this post until today. I am so sorry. What a difficult time. Just started crying... Love you guys! I'm praying for your brother and his wife.

    Oh, and I just looked at Mimi's blog, and his wife looks super familiar to me...


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