A Riddle. Just For You.

 When is a medium shrimp not a medium shrimp?


Any guesses?

None? None at all?

Come on, somebody?

All right. I'll tell you.

 A medium shrimp is not a medium shrimp when it is being used as a visual aid to represent the approximate size (this week) of our as of yet unborn third baby.

Last week, it was a lime. I think I liked last week better.

We're thinking February 2012.

(But we have high hopes for January -- wouldn't that be crazy?)

 (AND to my dear friends who may have felt neglected lately, I sincerely apologize. I haven't been well.)


  1. So excited!!

    I totally saw this coming, too. You Roses are like clockwork. Secretive clockwork, but clockwork nonetheless. YAY FOR BABY ROSES!! What is your due date??

  2. I knew it! I was just telling Bryson last night that I thought you were because you haven't posted a lot of blogs lately! Congrats! That is exciting! :)

  3. Another rose bud! YAY! :D Congratulations!

  4. Congratulations!! Pretty exciting. :)

  5. yay!!!! but i cant believe you told me in your blog! lol jk. i am super stoked!!

  6. So happy for you Ames. I hope your days of not feeling well will soon be behind you.

    I, for one, am surprised. So good job. But I think your baby is saying "I am not a shrimp, I am a King Prawn!" (eh, eh...did you get that reference?)

    The world needs more sweet smelling Roses. =) Nice job. Way to provide.

    Love you!

  7. Congrats! The thought crossed my mind in a previous post when you mentioned being tired ;) I am well versed in the pregnancy exhaustion at the present time. Feb seems to be a hot month this time around. I know three other people due in Feb. We decided to be ahead of crowd and have a baby in Dec again ;)

  8. Congratulations! I thought you were too when you said you weren't allowed to mow the lawn anymore. I hope you start feeling better soon.

  9. Thanks for working on a playmate for Madelyn. I know it's hard work, but hang in there, it'll be worth it someday when they all finally meet.

  10. I retract my comment on the mommy brain post because I read it before this one! Congratulations! We can join the mom of 3 club together ! I'm more nervous about having more kids than hands to hold them. I'm happy for you guys!

  11. Yea! Congrats guys. I have still yet to meet the second child. Hope pregnancy is going well. I am really excited.

  12. Yes, I most definitely had not read this post before talking to you tonight. I am so excited for you! I really had no idea, apparently I am not as observant as others. But looks like your April fools joke was not far off!! Yay for babies, so happy for you!

  13. Haha. Definitely a king prawn!

    Yay for more Baby Roses. Heather, anyone?? :)


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