Long Enough

It has been hot. And I have been tired.  These are my two excuses for staying away from my  blog for so long. But I can resist no longer, even though with the heat sucking all my energy away I have none left to write anything witty or creative or even interesting.  So I leave you with this picture, and the charge to come up with something fantastic to say about it yourselves, if you would like. Otherwise, just enjoy the moments. That's what I did.

 Hallie is reading the complete works of Jane Austen, Hanna is reading the last installment of the Harry Potter series.  These ladies know how to pick 'em. (Was that witty? Creative? Cute?)
Don't forget to take us! 
(This one, not so witty or creative right? Totally lame? Oh well.)


  1. Some day I'll blog again too. And don't worry, I like you regardless of how witty or creative your blogging is.

  2. I have missed seeing the girls. Thanks fro sharing.

  3. It has been hot.

    I've been tired, too. Don't know why. I guess I'll blame it on having a baby and toddler.

    Yesterday, I went to put Danny down for his nap. I fell asleep in the rocking chair for AN HOUR! Wow.

    I am very grateful that Jill did not color on any walls or break herself or anything else. She did rip out part of a library book and pee her pants. I found her sitting on her potty next to her wet pants. Poor girl.


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