Can't Get Enough...
Lately, I just can't get enough of the simple joys in life. I can't get enough... coloring with Big Grandpa. ... babies snuggling with Big Grandpa. ... picnics with root beer and lemon cookies. (ants not pictured.) ... not worrying if my shoes match when I go to the library. (Ok, I'm not quite there yet, but my two year old is teaching me, and I really think there's hope.) Certainly, I can't get enough of how much she can do all by herself . ... being at the temple with family. ... my daughter, loving my mother. daddy, snuggling my baby. ... trying to take photos with bright sunshine, and a two year old playing hide and go seek. ... pigtails, mischievous smiles, and friends who are beautiful without photoshop. These are the simple joys that are filling my heart with happiness. Take a look around your own life, and see what it is you can't get enough of. Let me know what you find.