More Race Pictures

Mile 21
Here is another picture of the race and some details for any who are curious about those sorts of things.  Devin's final official time was 3:35:02, which out of the 13 (he says 13, I say 17) marathons he has done was his third worst time, but in this race he ended up finishing 19th out of 78 in his age group and 139th out of 1009 overall.  As a person completely committed to never punishing my body that way, I'd say it's quite impressive.

Devin's support team: Pappy, GranB, Aunt Mimi, Uncle Jeff, and baby Jill (not pictured: Michelle [Dewitt] H.).  (this picture merely represents the support team that was able to be there in person.  We know that there was a support contingency in California, and one in Utah as well.)  And of course, Hallie and I are not in this picture, and clearly we were there to support him.

Thanks guys, we love you!!


  1. Hey, hey, don't forget Michelle who braved the cold! :) That's a good picture. I assume you found your camera? :)

  2. I hadn't seen those quotes, but I have now! I sure like 'em. :) I recognize President Hinckley's from this month's VT message. Eh? Eh? :) And that counter for Hanna is cute. So hard to wait!! Thanks for sharing the quotes.


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