Bunnies in Diapers

Some Background Info: Hallie has been giving me a hard time with diaper changes lately, and I've had to put my foot on her chest/tummy to hold her down so I can put the diaper on. It's not fun.

Hallie was being unusually quiet so I went to investigate what was holding her interest for so long. I found her in her bedroom, where she had carefully arranged all of her diaper changing stuff, and her stuffed bunny on the diaper changing mat. She looked at me to see if she was doing something wrong, but I was intrigued, so I just watched her work. She picked up a diaper and started trying to put him in it. Then she (and I kid you not) put her foot on the bunny's tummy, and spoke to him in a "stern" babble. (I could not stop myself from laughing at this.) She left her foot on his tummy and tried to get the diaper on again.

Then she seemed to remember that she had skipped a few steps, so she got out the A&D ointment, and "put" some on him, then she "put" some baby powder on him, and then (again, I kid you not) she got out a wipe and wiped him down! (Out of order, I realize, but still pretty good!!) Then she tried a few more times to put the diaper on. I intervened and did it for her, but boy was that a big mistake! She started crying and crying. Hastily I yanked the foolish diaper back off, and she was all smiles again as she tried over and over to diaper him.

I was so proud of her. This is by far the most imaginative play I have seen her engaged in thus far, and she was having so much fun arranging everything and taking care of her little baby!

Oh, I forgot my other favorite part. When she was done, she picked up the bunny, and while patting his little bum she held him close and said, "Shhhhhh" in a soothing way, which is what I always do when we are done with a traumatic diaper change, or when she hurts herself. What a little mommy!


  1. That is REALLY adorable. I especially love the foot-on-tummy part.

  2. How cute... she is so ready to be a big sister...

  3. Perhaps this is a good time to begin the discussions about what else bathrooms are used for besides taking baths. . . . . I can't believe she is that old!

  4. What a fantastic story. Thanks. ~ Marc

  5. AWWWWWW! I can't even handle how cute that is! :) I am so excited for her to be a big sister! Remember when I thought she was trying to change Jill's diaper? She was holding Jill, and Jill pooped, and her eyes got really wide, and she tried to take Jill's onesie off? Hallie's a smart cookie!!

  6. My 9 month old gives us a hard time sometimes during diaper changes...I too have had to use the foot on the tummy idea. Just know you aren't the only one that has to restrain your child to change their diaper. :-)


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