What a Day.

What a dog, what a fiasco. (hahaha, anyone? anyone?)

Ahem. Well, here's what I have done today. I yelled at Hallie twice. "No, NO!!"

The first time it went like this:
"No, Hallie, NO!!" then, when disaster was avoided, I calmly explained to her that we don't put mommy's nail polish in the toilet.

The second time it went like this:
"No, Hallie, NO!!" then, when disaster was avoided, I calmly explained to her that we don't put granola bars into Daddy's guitar.

What did you do today?


  1. Haha. I totally say "what a day, what a dog, what a fiasco!" all the time and people just stare at me. :( It's pretty much my favorite line from one of your school plays ever.

    I am glad you were able to save the nail polish and the guitar! Hehe, she's a feisty one!

  2. I think the guitar still has a pen in it from when I wasn't fast enough... but that's better than a granola bar!!


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