Another Ordinary Day

 Sometimes when Devin is in charge of Hazel, I will come and find her like this.

And then, when my girls see that I am taking a picture, they have to jump in, like this.

In real life, it looks exactly like this:

 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

 Then there's Heather. She's my little buddy, my little pal, my little friend.

 One morning I came downstairs and saw this pony stuck to my fridge.  I began to panic because my girls are addicted to glue sticks and I made some assumptions.  Hanna jumped over to tell me that it was just a magnet in the pony's paw. Phew.

And then there was Hazel.

Who, me?

Well yes, I am cute, thanks.

Sometimes they try to all fit on one chair and they do but then Heather gets squished so she moves but then Hazel keeps kicking her. It's hard to be the Heather one. (her words, not mine.)

Teething? I'm not sure, but I've been hanging out until midnight every night with this face.  I grant you, there are worse faces to party with.

And good morning from two little girls in purple jammies with green frogs.


  1. Well I kid you not, these adorable Hazel pictures (they're all adorable, but especially these Hazel pictures) are making me itch to have my new baby come.

  2. Super cute! Thanks for sharing those pictures and letting us "spend" a week in your house with your sweet girls. Poor Heather!


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