First Grade

And just like that summer is "over" and another school year has begun. 

It is still strange to say goodbye to her in the morning and not see her for hours and I get so excited when it's time to pick her up!


  1. Sigh. :( That is nice that she has three friends already. Her braids look so cute! Gah. It is okay to miss our kids. Sniff sniff. That is really cool that her class has a bunny. I am a little jealous.

  2. First grade!!! So crazy how that is even possible. It was so fun to chat with you tonight, and I cant wait to see you next month! :)

  3. Makes me want to go out and buy glue and pencils and paper. Ok, I did just go out and buy school stuff, but IT WAS ON SALE! I just love back to school sales. I always missed having my kids around and a bit jealous of the time they spent in school. Sigh. First graders are still so little and yet so big too.


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