Do You Remember
Do you remember that time you let me dye your hair? that time you made me brownies? that time I told you you had to come with me to MI for Easter to do your home teaching? that time we played Rummycube and I was so nervous I ate an entire plate of brownies? that time you asked me where I am from and because of my answer you thought I didn't like you? that time you helped me look for fossils in the river? that time we rode the bus using senior citizen tickets because we didn't understand the system, and inexplicably the bus drivers let us do it? that time you took me to the chocolate festival? that time you held me hand as I pushed a baby out into the world? Three times? that time I remembered you needed fingernail clippers? that time the vacuum salesman came, and I cried all night because it was pretty much the worst day? that time we bought a car that neither of us knew how to drive, so my parents had to drive it off the lot? that time you let me borrow your car ...