Hallie's School Pictures and Hyperbole

 We finally got Hallie's school pictures, only a month and half later than everyone else got theirs.

And only after several phone calls and emails and many disgruntled statements that I made to Devin about my dissatisfaction with Life Touch.

"I'm never going to order school photos again, ever, for any of our kids."

"I think this is the worst company of all time, how can they not get us her picture?  It's the only thing they do as a company!"

"This time when I call, I'm going to tell them that I have plenty of photos of my daughter and I don't want to keep waiting for them to figure it out, and could they just refund my money."

To these hyperbolic statements, Devin responded very calmly.

"Of course we're going to keep having school pictures taken."

"It's a big company, and it probably just got lost somehow.  Just call them again, they'll figure it out."

"You aren't going to tell them you don't want the picture anymore.  You know you want Hallie's kindergarten picture."

Which made it all the more amusing, after the last phone call with them, when I confidently declared to him that this time I thought we had jumped through all the hurdles and we were really going to get her picture and he said, "I just don't think it's going to happen."

And then when the envelope came in the mail today, he handed it to me and said, "I'm sorry, I really hope that what is inside this is what you wanted, but I don't think it will be."

But it was, and so he kept me going when I had given up all hope, and when hope seemed lost to him, I had regained my own, and all is well that ends well.


  1. Sometimes I don't comment on your blog because all I can think to say is: why aren't we next door neighbors? Why can't we be best friends that share the same physical location most of the time? I mean, I just think it would be best. But anyway, all this to say that I would have enjoyed your hyperbole as it was happening very much. And nice job for having darling girls. Good work.

  2. Beautiful school picture!

    And I love how you and Devin balance each other out. That is as beautiful as the picture. :)


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