So Over It

I am so happy to see the end of January.

We're one month closer to everyone being healthy.  Because people don't get sick in February, right?

We're one month closer to my sister having her baby.  We're one month closer to Family Reunions, and I get to meet two new nephews and one new niece!

I mean, sure, I know it means I'm one month closer to Heather turning one.  And me turning thirty.

And yes, of course, I realize it means we're one month closer to Hallie going to kindergarten.

January is just too long, and cold, and dreary, and bleak, and sick for its own good.  February is its identical twin in every way, and therefore just as bad, except that it is short.  That's what just barely saves February.

The end of January means we're one month closer to springtime! And flowers! And sunshine! And sidewalk chalk, and backyard pools, and running, and jump ropes, and bubbles, and popsicles, and and walking to the park, and picnics, and every other delicious and delightful thing that life has to offer.

Aside from warm sweaters, cozy blankets, hot cocoa, snowmen, sledding, Santa, and mistletoe.  But I'm so over those things, aren't you?  I'm so over it.

This is what January looked like for us.

Daddy making breakfast for his girls
because sometimes mommy has a hard time

getting up so early in the morning.

Lots and lots and lots of couch time.  I'd say, 85% of January was spent on the couch.  With those pillows, and that blanket.

Sometimes with a buddy.  Usually with a buddy. I'd say, 65% of the time with a buddy.

I figure, if we're going to be stuck in the house day after day because someone is always sick, why not potty train?

Hallie loves flowers in her hair.  Thanks Aunt Mindee.

The novelty of the Christmas presents really helped us get through the dreariest days.

And more flowers in our hair! So pretty!

This is what the kitchen cabinet thing whatever it's called looked like when we first brought it home from Goodwill for 6 dollars. Then we put the girls to work painting it. Then we went out to the garage after they were in bed and... repainted it.  

Sometimes, in January, you just fall asleep.  It's so hard to be tiny, and sick, and stuck in the middle of January.
Also, there were a lot of messes. A lot. A lot. A lot. Here's to playing outside again soon!


  1. Here's to February! Let it be better than January. Because better is always better. :)

  2. I'm with you Amy!... I love February mainly because it means days will be longer and soon weather will be warmer!....and what's with January and being so sick.... Seriously there must be an explanation!!!---brooke

  3. I'm feeling your blues... it is so hard being stuck inside! I am not creative enough to entertain these kids! I've got nothing on parks! This weekend we took the mattress off the futon and jumping on that was the highlight of the day. How sad. Good post by the way. Love reading your writing. Makes me miss you. Do any of your family reunions bring you this way?? Love, Crunch

  4. OK; February is much better than January. In spite of my birthday I am not really a fan of the new year celebration and although I think MLK was incredible, his birthday does not get me excited; stated another way I have often forgotten the day was a holiday and gone to work and found myself the only one in the parking lot. No these holidays are not high on my list.

    While February has two awesome holidays, Ground Hogs day is like the best ever, I always want to see sun although I know that is bad news with the shadow and more coldness (not to mention Vickie and I having our first date); and Valentines day seriously as a kid it was great with giving/getting valentines; as a teenager and young adult, some serious sighing was going on over somebody. Yes I really love the February holidays, what a great month!

  5. I am just really looking forward to winter being over in general. I stupidly packed the snow boots and our unseasonably warm winter has left us with lovely snow that my kids and I can't play in, because I packed our snow boots.

    I had a cold in December that lasted THREE weeks, and my kids and husband all had the stomach flu.

    In January, my kids had the stomach flu, and then fifth disease, and then a cold. And I have a cold too that is going on strong during week number two.

    Spring means that I am no longer pregnant, and I am holding Alice in my arms. It means that Jeffrey has started his new job, and we've learned what to expect from it. It means that I'm living in my new home, and I have met my new ward. Basically it means that my life is no longer in limbo, full of uncertainty, and that everything that I don't know this winter, I will finally know.

    And it is that much closer to my Collett and Boling family reunions!

    Sigh. I need a lesson in enjoying each moment, don't I? Well, my kids and I did have two random dance parties today, so I guess good things are still happening in our lives. :) And Danny's cold has abated enough that he slept through the night last night for the first time since the illnesses began.


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