One Last Try
There are some things in life that you eventually have to concede that you will never be good at doing. For me, making a sultry face is one of those things. I've tried. Oh, I have tried. But I am tired of looking like a duck, and therefore, tonight, with you as my witnesses, I retire my efforts. Click here to see pictures of the last time I tried to make sultry faces. And click HERE to see a picture of the original effort at looking sultry, and to see what I mean when I say "channeling Nicole". (You know you look good too, Melissa!) Just scroll until you see the pictures I am referring to. Keep scrolling... you'll get there. And you'll know you're there. Just before I tried this last time my friend Alison recommend I try channeling my inner Nicole, again. Which is another thing I think it's about time I faced openly and honestly. I have no one inside me, but me. FAIL. FAIL. AND ANGRY FAIL. ...