How You Can Tell

Hallie's favorite cereal has long been a topic of discussion in our house. Is it Raisin Bran? Rice Krispies? or Honey Bunches of Oats?

This morning, Devin declared once and for all Honey Bunches of Oats the clear winner, and I couldn't help but agree - the evidence was clear.

In the event that you have also been wondering about the favorite cereal of someone in your life, I give you the process you can use to discover the truth for yourself.

How You Can Tell:

1. They eat four plus bowls of it every morning (every morning that it is available, that is).
2. The squeal in undeniable delight when it is placed in the cart at the grocery store.
3. This squeal must be of the surprise-trip-to-Disneyland-where-you-meet-Justin-Bieber variety of squeal.
4.The person in question kisses the box of cereal whenever the opportunity arises.

As Devin and I discussed the now undisputed favorite cereal, I wondered longingly, is there anything in my life that I love so much?  And as I asked myself that I was prepared to feel a melancholy wistfulness for my youth, when I was excitable and wild and loved things without abandon.  That's why I was so surprised when instead of that, I was immediately filled with a list of things that I do, indeed, love that much.

Really Good Music
Easter Dresses for Little Girls
Spring Flowers

My name is Hallie Rose, and I love Honey Bunches of Oats.
What do you passionately, excitedly love?


  1. What makes me that excited . . .

    Fudge makes me pretty excited.

    I bet Jeff could come up with this list for me faster than I could.

    French fries. I get pretty excited about good french fries.

    Let the three year old in my live! :)

  2. I guess I am a sucker for Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies, plus chocolate eclairs, and Boston Creme Pie. I am impressed that Hallie is so healthy!

    love, MOMROSE


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