A Girl and Her Great Grandpa

I can see him sitting comfortably in a folding chair in the shade of my newly leafed tree.  His dignified white hair distinctive from my view out the sliding glass doors.  Looking at him is like looking down the bright path of my memory, into the happiest scenes of my childhood.

I can see her running across the grass toward him, her wild and carefree hair a delightful mess of peanut butter, sand, and good Nebraska wind and sunshine.  Her shirt is a hand me down from cousin Jill, her pants from a family at church, her socks a gift from Grandma last Christmas.  Looking at her is like looking onto the bright path of my future, into what will be the happiest scenes of being a parent.

She smiles up at him, asking a question.  He pats his knee, extending the invitation.  She steps closer, accepting.  He holds out his hands, she reaches up her arms.  One swift motion and she is sitting close, snug and cozy and in that microcosm, every single thing is perfect.  The part of me that stores my childhood is envious, but the rest of me is so glad she gets to know Grandpa too.

He will talk about names and places, people she will never meet and sights she will never see.  She listens with her ears, but she understands with her soul, and she begins to know who she is, to realize what family means.


  1. Goodness, Ames, you're poetic. I'm really proud of you and your eloquent head.

  2. Wait, so is this you? Did your grandfather die?
    Whatever this is, it was very poetic and beautiful. And obviously above some of us. :)

  3. I am guessing you are talking about Hanna-what a beautiful entry!
    Love, MOMROSE

  4. Thanks, Amy. Thanks for a wonderful visit. I'm "Back home again in Indiana." (Came home from Michigan early, because of a funeral of a very good friend tomorrow. Dale Dean the guy who gave us the guitar.) Love, grandpa H.

  5. Beautiful, Ames. I also am so grateful that Gigi and Big Grandpa are still here to get to know our littlies.


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