Spring Cleaning

My mom keeps a pretty clean house.  We had chores we were assigned to do, when I was growing up.  In college my roommates and I would put on "Scrubbing Day" from Pippi Lockstocking and we'd clean the TH.  Since being married, Devin and I spend our Saturday mornings cleaning.  He does the toilets, bless that man.  But I've never, ever, ever really organized and executed a "Spring Cleaning Extravaganza".  You know, where you open all your windows and take your rugs outside and beat them on the clothesline with the stick?

Ok, I realize no one does that anymore.  But maybe it's because I have an actual house-home now, or maybe it's delayed nesting hormones, or maybe it's just that this Spring is particularly Spring-y, but something inside of me is screaming "CLEAN YOUR HOUSE! CLEAN IT DEEP!!"  And so, this is what my heart has been longing to do, and I am determined to find the time to do (most of) it.

Sweep garage. (I did this last week, but I wanted to start my list feeling good about myself, you know?)
Organize garage. (Ditto)
Clean out playhouse.
Spread fertilizer/weed killer on grass.
Fix lawnmower.
Clean drapes.
Wash windows.
Tune piano.
Vacuum all carpets.
Vacuum all heating vents.
Vacuum ceiling.
Sweep ceiling in basement.
Clean dishwasher.
Clean oven.
Clean refrigerator.
Clean behind/under refrigerator.
Clean behind/under washer/dryer.
Organize all drawers.
Organize all closets.
De-clutter and take unnecessary items to Goodwill.

Well, as this is my first Spring Cleaning Extravaganza we'll see how I do.  Do you think I'm being too ambitious? Probably.  What items have I overlooked?  How do you clean drapes? 

Here we go...

(oh, and since I know half of you only come for the pictures, I'll oblige.)

I have a baby that will drink from a bottle! Miracles really do happen.


  1. I really like when I go through everything and get rid of stuff and drop it off somewhere, and then I have less stuff, and lots more space. The trick is convincing yourself you don't need all that stuff.

  2. I'm doing all that cleaning too. But it's because we're selling the house...

  3. Yes, that spring bug is in the air-company coming helps to motivate also.

  4. Haha. I keep thinking about spring cleaning, too. But I've been trying to ignore it.

    I'm pretty sure that all of my drapes can be thrown in the wash, but I don't know what fabrics yours are.

    I LOVE the pictures.

    Danny just started accepting a bottle about two weeks ago. Finally.

  5. Did you have shampooing carpets? With kids in the house, I think it's a must.

    I do kind of come for the pictures, I'll admit it.

    Third time is the charm for babies taking a bottle. I love that Enzo will do breast, bottle, formula. Makes things so much easier.

    Sorry you are all sick!


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