Sickness Recovery To Do List

Wake up
Take my medicine
Feed Heather
Give Hallie her medicine
Give Hallie her ointment
Eat Breakfast
Feed Heather
Give Devin his medicine
Clean House from Sickness Weekend
Feed Heather
Take Walk???
Feed Heather
Eat Lunch
Give Hallie her ointment
Give Hanna her medicine
Feed Heather
Put Hanna down for her nap
Make Hallie rest
Feed Heather
Let myself rest
Give Hallie her medicine
Feed Heather
Eat dinner
Go to bed
Feed Heather

What are your plans for tomorrow?  Just tell me this: will they be as exciting as mine?


  1. Mine will substitute "give ___ medicine/ointment" with "clean up Ezra's projectile vomit" and "desperately finish getting the house ready for professional photos for listing the house for sale".

    In case that makes your Monday sound better?

    :( Poor Rose family!

  2. :( Sorry about tomorrow.

    Jill is sick. I feel awful about it. I was trying to decide whether she should go to nursery or not, and I talked to the leader, and we decided she could go. Then she comes home and has a high fever two hours later. Sigh. I hope she doesn't get everyone else sick.

    I wish I could be there and baby you all!

  3. What's with all this sickness? Emily didn't go to nursery this morning because of a runny nose. Dad has a cough. I am well. And hope to stay well. Hope you all are feeling better really soon. Jill too! Wish we all lived closer together... sigh

  4. Oh the days of a newborn! At least you are feeding her well! She will not go hungry!

    p.s. I have something for you. I found it going through some of Lily's stuff. It will be fun for Easter. I kept bringing it to things like Eden's shower and then church but you were gone. One day I will get it to you when I make it out your way. Sorry to hear everyone is sick! That is no fun! Let me know if you need anything!

  5. So sorry about the sickness. At least someone is taking care of the medicine for the family. Praying it will all be short-lived.
    Love, MOMROSE


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