8 plus 2

makes ten. That's eight inches of madness plus two inches of "I'll fix it". That's eight inches of regret plus two inches of "I can make this better". That's eight inches of bad impulse decisions plus two inches of "I can't take it anymore". Which all adds up to ten cumulative inches of hair in my trash can, ten inches less hair on my head. Pictures. You want pictures? Well, I tried to have my local amateur photographer take some, but she doesn't always push the button down hard enough so then I have to reach out and help her and then... well the shots we get aren't always glamorous. But here you go. Maybe I'll try again later. So I blame my mother for most of this. And my childhood. (Love you mom.) See, growing up my mom cut my hair. I have never put much thought into my hair beyond: I like it long, and mom cuts it. End of story. Turns out that Nebraska is a little far away for my mom to be coming ...