S.O.S. Crisis Emergency

Dear Friends, and Family, and people I know and people I don't know:

I need help.  Desperate help.  I have been invited to a luncheon.  A Wive's Club luncheon. At the house of a wife.  The wife of the University president.  The University where my husband works.  Those of you who see me on a regular basis, and those of you who might recall my "style" probably can now guess what my crisis is.

Oh, dear. You know I'm in trouble.  So, let's assess the situation. I did go to the store just this week and bought myself a pair of nice khakis, Dockers.  They are the only pants that I have right now that fit me really well, and I think that would be appropriate for a luncheon, right? I also, thanks to my fantastic sister who takes such good care of me have a few nice shirts. Devin told me it was nice to see me wearing something "feminine". Which means something that does not have the words "Nauvoo, IL" on them, or a giant tiger.

Ok, so I could probably find something in there to wear, that seems good, right? But then I came to shoes. I have my running shoes that I bought in, no exaggeration, 2002.  I mean, they still look real good... but I don't think they'll work. And I have a pair of silvery black flip flops.

I have a pair of black high heels, and a pair of brown high heels, and then all that's left is a pair of brown flats and black flats.

That's it. All the shoes I own in the entire world. What to do? What to do? Keep in mind that I am married to a man who would under no circumstances let me go out and buy a pair of shoes just for this luncheon. So think, ladies, think!  The invite says "Come and enjoy a "picnic" lunch, meet new friends..." What do you think it means that the word "picnic" is in "quotes"?  Maybe I shouldn't wear khaki pants.  Jeans?

Help me, I am begging you.


  1. lol Amy, I love you. :)

    If you're going with the khaki's - which would be super cute with a nice, "feminine" top - it sounds like the brown flats are the way to go. If you decide to go with the jeans, I think either pair of flats will work. And since black and brown are both neutrals, it really shouldn't matter which top you pick to wear with them.

    Hope that helps! You'll look beautiful, no matter what you wear!

  2. If it is a picnic, I would lean toward the flip flops....depending on how they look with the top. It is casual, laid back, and since it is a picnic, that would seem like a good choice. You will do great! It sounds like the clothing is figured out and you will have the confidence going into this. People will enjoy getting to know you!! Have fun!

  3. Okay so my opionion is similar to the other two...the khaki's and the feminine top sound great with either the flats or the flip flops since it is a picnic. I know you will just shine no matter what you wear though. Have fun!

  4. I agree with Ace. However, you could even get away with a cute skirt and nice top; relaxed 'Sunday-wear', if you will. And seeing how it's the end of summer, you could get some cute 'sunday sandals' on clearance to go with it. (Cute clearance Sunday sandals would also look cute with khaki's). Just a thought. Love ya!

  5. Amy,
    This is totally my opinion, but flip flops scream teenager to me. I would definately go with the flats. Not that I really know anything about fashion, but if your hostess and the other women are more traditional, not young women, you might fit in better if you are nicely conservatively dressed. Although definatly go feminine (borrow some jewelery or something!)

  6. Terri - because you know I have just about no jewelry of my own!

    So, with the flats do I wear them with socks or what? Usually I wear them to church and I have nylons on... do you wear nylons under pants?

    See how much help I need?

  7. I have worn both socks and nylons with flats before. I think it depends on what pants you wear. Nylons with the khaki's or socks with jeans.

  8. I agree, wear flats. Instead of socks or nylons, you can always buy nylon-esque footies. You can find them near the sock/nylon section of most stores. They are like little mini socks, that only go part way up your feet. They are what I wear under shoes so I don't have socks hanging out. But if you are comfortable with the socks, that's okay too.

  9. BUY NEW SHOES. If your husband has a position in life that gets you invited to a wives club luncheon at the university, then you GO BUY SHOES. You don't have to break the bank, but honestly, you can find some pretty colorful shoes at Target for 15 or less.

    Okay, that's my advice. If not, I say the brown flats too. But really...

  10. Good griefs. Who sends invitations to "picnics"? It's either a picnic or it isn't. Am I right? I agree with the khakis or a casual skirt and one of the feminine tops. I think the flats would be great. I would either wear nylons or those footsie things that Rachel described. Those are great. When is this gathering? How much time do you have? I could mail you some jewelry . . . We need to video chat, so you can show me your different outfit combos. At the end of the day though, wear something you already own and are comfortable in. There is no reason why they won't love you for the amazing person you are who likes to dress casually, except for Church.

  11. I just have one thing to add. I say wear the flats but dont worry about nylons or socks. I totally rock my flats with bare feet. And I watch alot of tv and know that nylons are out and bare legs are in. So that is my two cents. And if they judge you over something stupid like clothing that is there problem.

  12. Amy,

    Since its a "wives" function, it is probably going to be pretty conservative. Think Stepford wives. Khakis, a nice shirt and flats are appropriate. You could also do a knee length skirt, flats or LOW heels) with a nice blouse or sweater set. Any accessories/ jewelery should be subtle and classy (like a tennis bracelet is subtle and classy).

    I second Rachel's opinion on the nylon footies-- you can get them at target for just a couple bucks.

  13. I've decided maybe the word picnic may be in quotes since it is at someone's house rather than at a park. So perhaps the wife wrote picnic to indicate the level of casualness and the type of food, but put it in quotation marks to let you know that you would not be sitting on the ground around a blanket or at a picnic table outside. Perhaps . . .


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