ABC and 123

Soon, all across the country newly purchased pencils, crayons, and notebooks will find themselves nestled snugly next to a perky lunch box holding a juice box and pb and j inside a crisp backpack, bouncing merrily against the back of excited first, second, third (etc) graders.  It isn't an actual national holiday, but sometimes I think back-to-school feels like one.  Excited eyes will look around the classroom, searching for old friends, picking out potential new ones, marking possible bullies and checking out which girl/guy is most likely to have a serious case of cooties.  There's at least one in every classroom.

They will take their seat and eventually look toward the blackboard, where the words "What I Did This Summer" will be scrawled, taking up the whole length.  Some will groan, five minutes into the school year and already tired of the work load.  Some will eagerly sharpen their brand new pencils to a precise point and gingerly begin writing:

This summer was hot.  We did a lot of yard work. We went swimming in the back yard.  Both sets of grandparents came to visit, as well as great grandma and great grandpa.  Aunt Mimi and Uncle Kenny came to visit, and so did mom's friend Al.  We went to get ice cream at the dairy store, which is in the same building as Daddy's office. I love that place.  We went to the temple and I spent a lot of time at the visitor's center.  At the end of the summer I got to go on a long trip to visit Jill Bean.  We also stopped in Peoria, where my sister was born and got to see some of mommy's friends. We visited with Aunt Mimi and had a really good time.  I love summer, but I think my mom is glad it won't be so hot soon.  I will attach pictures of my trip to Cincinnati.*

*This is totally what Hallie would have written for her assignment.  If her vocabulary were this good.  And if she were in school.

Summer is for hot sweaty walks.
 Summer is for drooling on everything, because being wet keeps you cool.
 Summer is for visiting Aunt Mimi and the Bean.

Summer is for swimming,

Summer is for Steak n' Shake.

Summer is for smiling.  For other people to smile.

And, since I am a teacher at heart, I will now grade my daughters paper.  That I wrote.  Weird. 

Writing: A+

Well, that was obvious.  And it doesn't seem hardly fair. So... I will grade the trip itself.

Visit to Mimi: A+
Getting to see friends in Peoria: A+
Going to Jeremy's wedding: A+
Getting to see family at wedding: A+
Getting to have dinner with the Colletts: A+
Getting to visit Nicole and see the twins and Nick: A+

Not getting to visit Dan's and Peter's families: F
Not getting to visit Stacy: F
Not getting to meet Callie: F
Long drive home made longer by terrible accident on 80: F (but I am praying for the people injured.)

Overall, I'll give it an A, but I wish it had been the perfect trip.


  1. A+ to your posts and the pictures!! Hallie is going to be a very talented writer. :) I think you might miss being a teacher a tiny bit. :) Thanks for visiting!!! The Bean really misses you guys. She usually enjoys watching the videos on the computer, but she just kept crying and yelling at one of Hallie. Awww

  2. I think Hallie's summer homework would have said "big grandpa" instead of "great grandpa".

  3. I think she would have only gotten a B- on the seeing family at the temple as I was not there to be seen.


  4. WHAT!!! you got to see Nicole???!! i am so jealous!!!! :( but glad you had a great trip! cute pictures too.


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