
Words have different meanings to different people. Take the word dog, for example. A dog is nothing more than a cute, furry mammal. Unless you're talking to someone who never emotionally recovered from the loss of a beloved pet. ... someone who has a severe allergy. ... someone who trains German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers to be guard dogs. ... a blind person who relies on a dog every day for guidance. ... someone who was attacked by the neighbor's dog as a child. See, when you talk to these people about dogs you will also find love, disdain, respect, devotion, fear. Saturday is the day after Friday, and the day before Sunday. My favorite moment of each week is falling asleep on Friday. Because I know that when I open my eyes again (assuming that both babies sleep through the night... it does happen, and I am ever optimistic) it will be Saturday. The day that Devin will sleep in (until Hallie wakes him up at 6:40), and the...