Pictures of my Hanna

I have better pictures from today, but I don't have the camera cord so you'll have to wait for those.

I still can't really believe she's here, it all happened so fast!! But we're excited to have her, and we already love her so much.  Hallie could not stop kissing her, so I'm sure they will be bffe's. 
(Best Friends Foreva Eva! you have to say it in that voice.)


  1. So precious! We want to hear the story!

  2. I'm so excited!!!! Congrats on another beautiful baby...

  3. Yay! :) They definitely will be bffe (which can only be said in that voice). Haha. :) I can't wait to meet little Hanna!

  4. oh i know all about the BFFE's. and i love to say it in that voice. I miss you and love you. Congrats!

  5. Congratulations on the new bundle of joy!!! :)

  6. Congratulations! Can't wait to hear about it, and she's very cute! It's awesome when the older sibling is loving the younger one, isn't it? My oldest LOVES his brother, kisses him ALL THE TIME.


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