Turkey Run

There I am, in the far back... having just been lapped.

On Thanksgiving Devin and I decided we would have a Rose Family Turkey Run. We went to a nearby unused track and lined up at the starting line. On Your Marks. Get Set. Go. I ran a mile, and Devin ran 4 miles. I was quite proud of myself that he only lapped me twice. However, I have to admit, that he was about to lap me a third time when I was almost done. I heard his feet pounding in the not too distant distance behind me, and I had just been congratulating myself on the only being lapped twice deal. So I put the pedal to the metal. I burned rubber. I made him eat dust. It's true. So I was only lapped twice. I won't let you know how close he came to passing me that third time before I squeaked past our "starting line". I do have some dignity. It wasn't too cold either, which was nice.
I think my time was 9 min.
Sadly, that's not much slower than I was in high school.
(Or maybe I should be proud of that...)
Hallie got some exercise too, with Fearless Grandpa and Grandma (taking pictures)
I think that's me, not letting myself get lapped a third time.


  1. nice work on not getting lapped the third time. i can see devin trying to take you out, but you busted out your last ditch effort to save your dignity. you know i would have gotten lapped like 4 times by you, and 14 times by devin. sad but true.

  2. I think that looks like great times! :) Jeff played some football, and I did absolutely zero physical exercise. I have no idea how slow my mile would be these days. :) I think that is the start of a great new family tradition. Remember how we would go to Mitchell and play kick ball sometimes? Maybe we only did that once . . . I don't know. I liked it though!


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