The Netherlands

We had stake conference this weekend. I sang in the choir. It was so fun to be in a choir again. I was so proud of Devin and Hallie, that was the longest I have ever been away from her, can you believe it? She was cold to me at first, but she eventually warmed right up again.
One of the speakers mentioned the Den Haag Temple (the Hague, to you) and it took me back to last fall. I have already been thinking a lot about our time in the Netherlands lately, because that's where we were at this time last year, and because we have been walking to get our groceries lately, just like we did then... So, in honor of that, I have decided to put some of my favorite pictures of those times up here, and relive those memories. This way I'll know what stories go with the pictures in ten years!

Devin and I at the temple, please note Devin's awesome hair. (Hair cuts were too expensive there for our budget, and I was scared to try...)
With Mom and Dad Boling who came to visit us just after Halloween.

Mom Rose also came to visit us, but I couldn't find that picture. See, this is what happens when you don't take care of these things right away. Tecnology sucks them away from you... I will celebrate our time in the Netherlands city by city, I think, since I no longer remember it according to an accurate timeline. So, more from the Netherlands when we return.
Oh you ask, is there a story with the temple? Oh my, yes there is. The temple is in Den Haag, which, again, you would know as The Hague. The first time we had a rental car we were so excited to try and drive to the temple. We looked up directions and found out when they were open, and with a prayerful heart and a cheerful step we took off. Well, it's about a forty five minute drive and all was well. Until we got within about five miles of the temple. We drove around and around and around. It was hopeless. The directions I had written down did not get us to the temple. We couldn't figure out where we had gone wrong. We finally gave up when the temple was closing for the night, because even if we had found it, it was too late. Despondent, I told Devin that all I wanted was to go to McDonald's, and have an ice cream and be sad that we hadn't been able to figure it out. (The McDonald's was right by the highway, and so I knew we wouldn't get lost going there, also, we had driven past it approx. 487 times as we drove around and around that five mile area.) So we went in, and I got an ice cream, and in a dejected state of mind we sat down. I was so disappointed in us. I thought we had done everything right, and we had followed the directions. Why didn't we make it? Well, on each table at the McDonald's there was a map of that area of Den Haag. I sadly looked at the map, and asked Devin where he thought the temple might really be, in it's elusive hiding spot.
He pointed to a random place on the map, I finished my ice cream, and we went home. When we got home I looked up the temple again. To my dismay, the problem all along was that when I put in the address of the temple in Google to get directions, I had not put the whole address. So, our directions just pointed us to the general area of the temple, but not the specific place. Well, I would not make that mistake again I vowed. I carefully put in all the necessary information to Google, and up popped a little map showing where the temple is. Can you imagine my surprise - I'm sure you've already guessed it. The temple is situated almost exactly where Devin randomly guessed it would be when sitting at a small table in McDonald's, about three miles away. Well, we did go back to the temple with much more success, and I love that little temple, hidden in it's secret place.


  1. that's cool that Devin randomly guessed the right place. it's possible that he was inspired. sad that you had to drive in so many circles with gas prizes being what they are in the netherlands. i'm glad you were able to make it back!

  2. That reminds me of the time you and Pete came with me to my friends wedding and all I had were directions to the city & by the time we found the church it was over.


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