The Missing Body

He was dead. That, I knew for sure. Where the body had gone, though, that was the disturbing question. It creeps me out a little, not knowing where the body is, wondering when and where I will find it, or would it be worse if I never did find it? And perhaps, the worst question of all: who moved it, and why? See, spiders don't really bother me that much. Generally speaking, when I'm outside, they don't bother me at all. That's their domain, and I am the guest there. But in my own house is different, because that's my space. And while I still don't really mind them, they do tend to startle me, the way they move so suddenly when their dark lairs are exposed. That's when I first saw this one. He was hiding under something that I moved, and our eyes met. Now the other thing about spiders is that some are quite friendly looking, with a sort of "hey, I'm the enemy of your enemy, so let's be friends. You don't kill me, and I will...