Sometimes We Get Visitors

We love it when people come to visit us.  In March, my sister, her three kids, and my mom came to visit us.  The day they arrived, my friend Lindsey was driving across the country and she stopped by with her husband and three kids.  The day my sister and mom left, another friend was driving across the country with her husband and their four kids.

It was just a great time.

Last week Devin's parents and younger brother came to visit, and the day they came my brother and mom were also driving across the country so they stopped for a visit.

There are two lessons to be learned here:
1. My house is a great place to stop if you are driving across the country.  We have clean bathrooms and fresh snacks. Also lots of places to sleep if you should be hitting Nebraska at bedtime.
2. Please make sure to coordinate your trip with all of my other family and friends. I like to do these things all at once, you know.

 Hazel just pooped right out on my mom.  I just reread this, and I want to clarify: by that I don't mean that she pooped on my mom.

This shot was taken after I helped herd my brother's five cats back into his van.

 Hallie is really good at frisbee.  Thanks to Uncle Kenny and Grandpa Rose for working with her on her technique!

 For Easter, we "gave" the girls a flower bed.  They get to plant flowers in it and weed it and water it and they are so excited about it.

 In case you can't tell, that's me, and Hallie.  The little girl by me in a pink shirt is actually not one of mine, but a sweet little girl I babysit for.
 Thanks for coming to visit, it was so good to see you!


  1. Haha so true. Wouldn't want to not have everything happen at the same time. :)

    It looks like your April/May visitors got better weather than your March ones did.

    I LOVE that you gave them a flower garden. That is such a fun idea. Jill and Daniel would love that.

  2. I'm famous! I was mentioned on your blog! So glad I got to see you, even for just a few hrs.

    (Oops. I'm signed in as Ryan. This is Linds)

  3. Love baby Hazel's sleeping position. Nothing beats being held by GranB. I also looooove Pete's hair. Classic!! I need to come visit you soon too!


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